Já conheces a Carolina Patrocínio australiana?

Carolina Patrocínio não é a única que mesmo grávida não para de fazer exercício físico. Chontel Duncan tem as mesmas rotinas da apresentadora da SIC e nas redes sociais ela divide igualmente opiniões, portanto não é um caso único do tuga.
Tonight’s workout was on point, even though sooooo much is now modified for me, I am SUPER grateful for my pre pregnancy health condition that has allowed my body to absolutely smash this pregnancy & provided me with the ability to keep moving now almost at 37 weeks. Not long now until I’ll be completely out of action. For how long… Who knows, it all depends on how the delivery goes, how my body handles birth, how settled and well Little D feeds, how I handle being a mummy for the first time & all those ‘many’ factors to consider. But for now I am just taking each day as it comes & appreciating my health for what it is. I see my OB tomorrow so looking forward to seeing the update on instructions. Stay tuned on my snap to hear what he has to say. Tonight may or may not be my last @hiit_australia workout… You never know!
Publicado por Chontel em Segunda-feira, 7 de Março de 2016