This handout picture released on March 12, 2019 and taken on March 11 by the French Marine Nationale shows flames on the Italian merchant ship Grande America off the coasts of the French Brittany. - The crew of the Royal Navy grigate HMS Argyll has saved all 27 members aboard the Italian cargo ship after its containers and cars caught fire off the coast of France. The ship's crew were unable to fight the flames and were abandoning the ship. (Photo by LOIC BERNARDIN / MARINE NATIONALE / AFP) / RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO /LOIC BERNARDIN/ MARINE NATIONALE" - NO MARKETING - NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS - NO ARCHIVES
Um navio italiano que tinha o Brasil como destino e que transportava cerca de dois mil carros, entre os quais 30 viaturas da marca Porsche que valem milhões de euros, incendiou-se e afundou no Oceano Atlântico, perto da costa francesa.
O Daily Mail avançou que todos os 27 tripulantes a bordo foram resgatados por militares britânicos.
O navio-carga Grande América, encalhou na terça-feira a 240 quilómetros da Costa Francesa, e os militares registaram estas imagens.
Diogo FerreiraMar 21, 2019Última Actualização: Mar 21, 2019